SESSION 2 – Room T3 – ground floor
08.30: Introduction to the daily programme (C. Clark)
08.45: “Un percorso formativo di inglese B2“
- Filippo Caburlotto (CLA – Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)
9.15: “Nuove risorse per l’autonomia e l’inclusione“
- Luisa Sartirana, Maria Vittoria Lo Presti (Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore)
- Susana Benavente Ferrera (CLA – Università di Verona)
- Marcella Menegale, Lucia Spricigo (Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia)
10.30: Coffee Break
SESSION 3 – Room T3 – ground floor
- Sharon Hartle, Emanuela Tenca (CLA – Università di Verona)
- Alessandro Cimino (Università della Calabria)
11.50: “Lecturer Support Service: how to best support teachers in EMI contexts“
- Serena Cecco, Lesley Adams (CLA – Università di Padova)
- Barbara Goedeke, Federica Tonellotto (CLA – Università di Padova)
12.40: “Portfolio as a tool to foster autonomous and multidisciplinary lifelong learning”
- Raffaella Galasso, Elisabetta Pavan (Università di Padova)
13.00: Lunch Break (at Ristorante Venezia).
14.30 – 15.30: CONFERENCE – Room 1L – first floor
“Fostering Language Learner Autonomy for a Lifelong Journey“
Jo Mynard (Kanda University of International Studies, Japan)
from 15.30:
- “Understanding students’ perceptions of digital tools for autonomous learning“ – Kim Anne Barchi, Mariana Jo Bisset (CLA – Università di Padova)
- “Guiding University students through a (distopic?) future: from AI to the café bar“ – Diego Garro (CLA – Università di Padova)
- “ChatGPT and AI text generation tools as the new ‘language calculators’: do we still need to learn and teach foreign languages?“ – Cesare Zanca (Università di Siena)
17.00: Closing Session