Versione in Italiano

The University of Padova Language Centre, in collaboration with the Italian Association of University Language Centres (AICLU), is pleased to announce the XXVII AICLU Seminar, to be held on 21st and 22nd September 2023.

Seminar Title: Learner Autonomy: a strategic resource for University Language Centres? 

In the Italian context, the increasing number of students enrolled in university courses, and in particular the number of international degree-seeking students, leads us to reflect on the role of learner autonomy in language learning in part to off-set the challenge to resources, but above all to cultivate a learning process which makes learning more effective and increases the opportunities for successful lifelong learning (Holec, 1981).

Fostering autonomy in learners by aiding them to develop skills related to self-management, self-monitoring and self-assessment can help learners to face the challenge in practical terms, and the change of perspective in individual learning situations can be a way of “easing the strain” on the teaching capacity of the institution.

The seminar is aimed at language practitioners working in higher education, involved in supporting language learning activities or who are carrying out (action) research in the field. The seminar will provide an opportunity to share best practices and discuss the promotion of autonomous learning in all its forms. A further aim of the seminar is to enhance collaboration across institutions. 

We invite papers which discuss learner autonomy in the context of University Language Centres. Proposals may discuss, for example:

  • Language Advising (in particular for specific purposes such as students with specific learning disorders, lecturers, university staff)
  • Self-access language learning
  • Maximising opportunities for learner-centred, learner-managed and peer-to-peer activities 
  • Promoting language learning communities and networks
  • Creating and facilitating access to resources for autonomous learning  
  • Best practice

as well as other relevant topics.

Speakers will have 20 minutes to present their papers, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Languages of presentation: English and Italian.

Abstracts of max. 300 words (not including references) written in Italian or English should be submitted to by 18th June. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 30th June.