- XXVII SEMINARIO AICLU - https://aiclu2023.cla.unipd.it -

Friday 22nd September

SESSION 2 – Room T3 – ground floor

08.30: Introduction to the daily programme (C. Clark)

08.45: Un percorso formativo di inglese B2

9.15Nuove risorse per l’autonomia e l’inclusione

09.40: “Language Advising e DSA: proposta di costruzione dell’accessibilità in una certificazione di lingua spagnola al CLA”

10.05: Enhancing students’ confidence in foreign language learning through the Self-Confidence Building Diary: A comparative study of younger students and adult learners

10.30: Coffee Break

SESSION 3 – Room T3 – ground floor

11.00: Enhancing Learner Autonomy through Inclusive Practices in Foreign Language Teaching: A Pathway to Empowerment”

11.25: Empowering language students with selective mutism through assisted and autonomous learning practices.”

11.50: Lecturer Support Service: how to best support teachers in EMI contexts

12.15: “Language Advising and Inclusion: a collaborative approach to empower students in the evaluation process”

12.40: Portfolio as a tool to foster autonomous and multidisciplinary lifelong learning”

13.00: Lunch Break (at Ristorante Venezia).

14.30 – 15.30: CONFERENCE – Room 1L – first floor

“Fostering Language Learner Autonomy for a Lifelong Journey“

Jo Mynard (Kanda University of International Studies, Japan)


from 15.30:

17.00: Closing Session